See the Good News from Holy Trinity
Our latest Newsletter is packed with good news: Come along to the Advent Fun Day on 14th December, and bring the kids. Our Christmas...

Christmas Services at Holy Trinity
Get in the Christmas mood by coming to our Christmas Services: 22nd December: Nine Lessons and Carols. 24th December: Crib Service with...

Advent and Christmas Services for Children
See all the Christmas services and activities for children. Advent funday on the 14th December. Interactive Communion on 15th December....

Christingle at Holy Trinity
Crib Service. Christingle procession. Interactive and multi-sensory. Come dressed as a nativity character! 24th December, 4.30pm....

Handel's Messiah on Saturday 23rd November
The renowned Southend Bach Choir will perfrom Messiah. Enjoy this iconic choral piece, with the benefit of the wonderful acoustics of...

Childrens Service this Sunday, 24th November
Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me and do not hinder them, for to such belongs the kingdom of heaven.” Do bring your...